Dental and Vision insurance, the often overlooked keys to wellness!
Many people do not realize they can purchase Dental and Vision insurance on an individual basis for themselves and their family members. With the onsite of the ACA, pediatric dental is required for children under the age of 18.
While Medical insurance plans offer the Essential benefits as required, it is inexpensive to add complete dental coverage to your insurance program. Vision insurance, in my opinion, provides the best benefit for the premium dollar spent and adds valuable benefits to ensuring good vision over your lifetime!
Click on the respective links or contact us with any questions!
Vision Benefits
Dental Benefits
During the last forty years we have been working with local employers to create benefit plans that work to engage employees in making healthy lifestyle decisions, reduce employer costs without shifting additional costs to the employees all while improving productivity and member satisfaction.
Keith R. Leitzen and his professional staff bring to the table nearly forty years of insurance knowledge. A network of valuable and talented individuals to provide the necessary resources to add value to your bottom line instead of just being an expense item on the P&L statement.
Doing business with people you Know Like and Trust – a business goal that has proven itself time and time again. Our promise
Don Kent